Summer is (nearly) here, but our summer tradeshow season has already begun! starting with the AORS Municipal Public Works Tradeshow on June 7-8th in Milverton (Perth East). AORS is the Association of Ontario Road Supervisors. DriveWise is a supplier member of SCRSA (Simcoe County Road Supervisors Association) which a local chapter of AORS. At this tradeshow, road supervisors, engineers, and public works managers from across Ontario gather to see the latest products and services offered to the public works sector. DriveWise is there with our simulator to demonstrate our advanced driver education programs for snow plow operators and waste management vehicles. Having worked with hundreds of municipalities, we hope to connect with past and future clients.
Outdoor booth #430 at AORS Municipal Public Works Tradeshow
Next we will be heading to Niagara Falls for the PMTC (Private Motor Truck Council) Annual Conference. The PMTC is an advocacy group for private trucking fleets, addressing issues and promoting their interests. This is an interesting and exciting year for the trucking industry, with the implementation of the MELT (Mandatory Entry Level training) standard in July 2017, which will raise the bar for truck training and anyone looking to obtain a Class A license. DriveWise will not only be promoting ADEP (advanced driver education program) pre-hire, new-hire, refresher and focused training for commercial trucking, but also our own impending entry as a truck training school with our MELT Program.
Finally, we’ll be wrapping up our summer tradeshows with a show close to home. The CARSP (Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals) conference will be held in Toronto at the Chelsea Hotel from June 18-21st. The theme of this year’s conference is “Technology and Road Safety” chosen to highlight current and emerging technologies which impact road safety. As pioneers in bringing simulation technology to driver training, our booth will feature our driving simulator.
Stay tuned at the end of June for highlights and photos from these tradeshows!