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Zen and the Art of Being Stuck in Traffic

Zen and the Art of Being Stuck in Traffic

You’re stuck in heavy traffic. You see the lane next to you start moving faster and now you’re tempted to switch lanes. You hesitate, wondering if it’s really worth the hassle or if it will just slow you down more. What should you do? According to a study conducted by...

Parking Spots: Why Are All The Goods Ones Taken?

Parking Spots: Why Are All The Goods Ones Taken?

A Different Type of Stampede Alberta’s West Edmonton Mall holds the world record for having the largest parking lot in the world. The massive 20,000-vehicle lot is so big, that if you laid out all the parking, you could fit Disneyland twice in all the space dedicated...

Why Traffic Jams Happen ‘Out of Nowhere’

Why Traffic Jams Happen ‘Out of Nowhere’

Picture yourself cruising down a highway with traffic flowing smoothly when all of a sudden the cars ahead of you start to slow down. Within moments, you’re stuck in the midst of a full-blown traffic jam. You inch forward only to discover there is no accident, no...

10 Tips For Backing Up A Car Safely

10 Tips For Backing Up A Car Safely

Backing up a vehicle is a challenge for every new driver. Not only are you maneuvering the vehicle in an unfamiliar way -- a vehicle you’re probably still getting used to -- but you also have limited visibility. It is estimated that poor backing up techniques can be...

New Driver Tips For A Safe Summer On The Road

New Driver Tips For A Safe Summer On The Road

Winter is usually the season most people think about when it comes to driving challenges. However, driving in the summer presents its own set of risks, with more auto-related accidents recorded in the warm weather months. Just because the weather is pleasant, that...

It’s Bike Month! Tips for Safe Cycling

It’s Bike Month! Tips for Safe Cycling

Bike Month kicked off on May 27 and will continue until June 30. Naturally, cyclists have been taking to the streets in order to reap the physical benefits of getting around by bike. While the switch from car to bike for your daily commute is a proactive and...

‘Tis the Season: Safe Driving Tips for Spring

‘Tis the Season: Safe Driving Tips for Spring

As warmer weather approaches and we spring forward into a new season, there are a couple things that drivers need to take into consideration. The sunny and mild weather encourages people to spend more time outside. This means there will be more children playing near...

Tips for March Break

Tips for March Break

Slow Down When School is Out: With March Break just around the corner and the kids preparing for a week away from school, Drivewise reminds drivers to drive more carefully and with extra vigilance. Kids out of school means kids out on the streets, and it is up to...

Coping with Road Rage

Coping with Road Rage

I’ve been an instructor for many years now and I’ve seen some rather interesting behaviors from my fellow road users, and I’ve often wondered why drivers behave the way they do on our roads. I’m sure most of us have been there where some guy cuts you off, or you’re...

Practice Compassion

Practice Compassion

February can be a gloomy month, the glow of the holidays is behind us, the well intentions of our resolutions may have weakened in resolve, and it’s the final stretch of a long winter. Looking on the positive side, it’s also the shortest month of the year, the days...

Resolve to be a better driver in 2017

Resolve to be a better driver in 2017

1. NO MORE SPEEDING Driving is a complex and high risk activity. Over the last 50 years, more than 110,000 Canadians have lost their lives on the road. More than 85% of these collisions were avoidable. This is a mind boggling number that should inspire serious...